Sunday, May 4, 2014


When I was visiting a farm a few weeks ago, I got to learn how they prepare tobacco. Essentially, the leaves are woven into braids, hung up to dry, then pounded into powder. In northern Benin, tobacco is consumed by being snorted up the nose.

As for cigarettes, there are packs of commercially packaged cigarettes for sale in village. Curiously enough, it is nearly always Peulh men who smoke cigarettes. Bariba men rarely do, and it is socially unacceptable for any woman to smoke.

The braids of tobacco are hung up to dry
A bundle of tobacco braids
A man pounding the dried tobacco into powder

Loose tobacco


  1. I would think that chewing tobacco would be another way to get the effect without smoking it. Is nobody doing that?

  2. I believe I have seen some tobacco spitting here, so they must be chewing it, too. Strangely, I see very little tobacco use in my village (besides cigarettes). I am usually in the surrounding villages when I see someone using tobacco. Also, the tobacco they snort is often orange, and I don't know how it gets to be that color.
