Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Photos: Food - Part III

Cassava flour porridge for when the Beninese don't feel like cooking: mix cassava flour with water and sugar, then eat... no heating necessary

Homemade "African couscous" from corn flour, plus a few cooked veggies and an egg

A beignet: a fried flour dough ball
These frozen treats are omnipresent in Sonsoro and come in multiple flavors: lemon, orange, hibiscus, etc. You rip off a corner of the plastic baggie with your teeth and suck out the liquid. It's the local Flavorice!


  1. This all looks quite appealing. What is used to make a frozen dessert? Are there generators to make the electricity for freezing?

  2. I'm not sure about the set-up for the frozen treat. I suspect that a kerosene-fueled cooler is cheaper than running a generator. Generators consume a lot of fuel and are expensive to run.
