Sunday, September 15, 2013

Photos: Snot Sauce

Last week, I wrote about okra sauce, whose non-tomato version is known as "snot sauce" amongst volunteers. This week, I took some photos of a friend's okra sauce so that you could see what the basic okra sauce looks like and in doing so, understand how it got its nickname.

The traditional, basic okra sauce

Here, my friend made her okra sauce more sophisticated by adding pureed basil leaves, hence the extra green color.


  1. Very green pictures! I have used okra to thicken my soups. I hope I forget the snot part!

  2. Okra seems to have a bad reputation, but is a nice addition to vegetable soup.
    Pesto can be made with the excess basil leaves. Could be a nice addition to some of the Beninese vegetables.

    Jean Ralley

  3. David brought some pesto when he visited, so I shared some with this friend so that she could see how we use basil in the US.
