Friday, February 22, 2013

A Coronation

On Monday, my colleague was crowned the king of the trumpet-less Wassangari people, a Bariba tribe based outside of Sonsoro. In Bariba culture, there are several families of princes for each kingdom, and the new king is elected from a royal family that has not recently provided a king. My colleague was thus chosen to replace his late uncle, the previous king.

For his coronation, he and his children all had their heads shaved and were given new names. My colleague's new name is Saka Yirima. From now on, he will wear a special hat at all times to indicate his rank. Even the elderly are expected to bow before him.

My colleague explained that there is a hierarchy of kings, with the most important king being the king of Nikki, the heart of Bariba culture. Lesser kings will bow before my colleague, and my colleague is considered inferior to higher-ranking kings.

Though he is king, he will continue his work as a nursing assistant at the heath center. In addition to ceremonial duties, his work as king will include dispute resolution.

The new king in his special hat


  1. Is there a queen as well?

    Jean Ralley

  2. I know that the children are considered princes and princesses, but I don't know if the wife is considered the queen. I do know of Bariba queens, so that must exist.
